Registration No: 386722.0072
Liberty Head
9”x 9”
Serigraph in color on wove paper from the Peter Max Stud_o, Hand?
signed by Peter Max in ink and numbered in Arabic, owor left. Fror
the edition of 100 hors commerce proofs, annotated “he” and numbered
in Arabic (495 hand-signed examples nnmbored in Arabic; 70 hand?
signed artist’s proots, annotated “ap” and numbered ir Arabic; 100
museam print proofs, annotated “mp” and r.umbered in Arabic also
exist). A separate edition ot 150 hand-signed examples, numbered in
Roar witn unique hand-drawn remarques in the image also exist.
pproximately 150 additional proofs of this serigraph edition have
been individually hand-painted by the Peter Max Studio,
zach serigraph in the editions above bears the “Peter Max Copyright”
seal cn the vorso in the lower corner